How To Balance Usability and Design When Building a Website

It is all about perception when we talk about ugliness and beauty in web design. My ‘ugly’ may be your ‘beauty’ and vice versa, but how does it happen that many usable websites are ugly for the majority of users? ‘Usability comes first’ is a true rule of website...

How to Improve the Accessibility of Your Website

When webmasters talk about a website’s accessibility, they are referring to whether your website can be used by people with disabilities. For example, can a blind person use your website and access its content? While I am certainly no expert where accessibility...

Essential Facebook Marketing Resources: A Complete Guide

Do you want to learn how to market yourself and your business on Facebook? Are you looking for a resource to guide your Facebook marketing efforts? Whether you’re marketing on Facebook as an individual or as a brand, these expert articles will help you design your...

Social Media for Business: 2015 Marketer’s Guide

Should your business be on social media? Absolutely. But should you have an account on every platform? Not necessarily. Your social success depends largely on the type of business you run and how much time and effort you intend to put into your strategy. Some...

How Important Is Responsive Design?

As more people are beginning to use mobile devices, like smartphones and tablets, for every task that used to be only capable on desktop, one thing has become clear: mobile is taking over Internet surfing. And, it’s not even just surfing. It’s everything...

Nomadic Designer Toolbox: Tips, Services & Hacks

9-5 is fast becoming an outdated concept and has proven to be counter-productive for many creatives. Freelancers and location-independent designers are seeking for new ways to live, work and travel. The digital nomad movement has been around for some years now but...